17th and 18th February 2020

Safely returned to Base Camp 1100 local (1500 UTC). Route updated for return.

Ascent from Trailhead to Base Camp for Chimborazo between 1400 and 1600 local time on 17th February.

Left Base Camp at 0001 local time 18th February and arrived at summit of Chimborazo 0544 local time

Ascent route on Chimborazo . Will be updated for return when completed

Dawn at the summit

17th February 2020

Expecting to leave base camp at 0630 UTC 18th February to do night climb for the summit of Chimborazo arriving at dawn. Video from base camp available from Chimborazo page

16th February 2020

Chimborazo climb delayed due to guide problem - update will follow

15th February 2020

Short videos added for Iliniza and Cotopaxi - links on their pages.

Chimborazo climb expected 16th February - weather permitting

Climb reports have been received from Jamie for the 4 peaks completed so far and are available on the pages for each- click on link below or on the map

13th February 2020 update at 1243 UTC

Starting climb now

Departure delayed this morning due to high winds at altitude.

Conditions improved a bit later and the ascent of Cayambe was made in daylight

13th February 2020

No climbing today due to high winds on Cayambe

11th February 2020

Well, it seems there was a change of plan - or I got it wrong!

Today was Cotopaxi - left base camp at soon after midnight and climbed through the night to arrive at the summit for sunrise at 0630.

8th February 2020

Second of the peaks today. Iliniza Norte at 5126 metres

The 9th will be a rest day and then on the night of the 10th/11th climb Cayambe to be at the summit for dawn - weather etc. permitting

7th February 2020

Cerro Ruminahui completed today.

2nd February 2020

Jamie will be starting "Climb Ecuador" on or about 5th February 2020 and you will be able to follow his progress here

Thanks to his Garmin inReach Jamie will be sending a daily update which will appear here. When conectivity allows Jamie will also be sending photos.

The objective is to climb five peaks in Ecuador - 2 of which are active volcanoes - finishing with Chimborazo whose peak is the furthest from the centre of the earth

In the following list those which have been completed are in green, the next peak is in red and those remaining are black.

The current and completed peaks have links below to details of the climb including route, distance and elevation as well as reports and photographs as received.

Cerro Ruminahui - 4566 metres

Iliniza Norte - 5126 metres

Cayambe - 5790 metres - Active Volcano

Cotopaxi - 5897 metres - Active Volcano

Chimborazo - 6310 metres - Furthest point from the centre of the earth and nearest to space.